Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Slapstick and carnie boats!

Here's something else for a bit of a laugh - a bit of slapstick to bring a grin to your face :) This is a couple of pics from when we went up to Oxford and went for a wander along the river. I loved it - all this hilarious stuff just kept presenting itself, and boating on the river just seemed like a laugh a minute. For starters you've got all these rowers practicing their rowing up and down the river. It's funny enough watching them go by when they've got their instructor sitting way down in the front of the boat talking on a loudspeaker thing to them. But it's hilarious when the instructor is riding a bicycle along the path by the side of the river and yelling out at them as he rides. It just seems inevitable that there's a rock on the path or someone steps out in front of him and he goes head-over-heels into the river!!! :D

And lo and behold, just up from the crazy rowing trainers were these stunning little beauties - carnie boats! What a sight hey? I was just imagining dodgy-looking, squinty people who hadn't bathed in 6 months and who ate kippers for breakfast while their scrawny bratty kids ran round screaming at each other peering through the windows suspiciously at us. Disappointingly we didn't really see anyone around the carnie boats though, except for the bicycling rower trainers, although they did seem to try to get past the carnie boats as fast as they could. Probably scared of being tripped over by one of the screaming kids and being pitched into the river...


Anonymous said...

'Carnies.....small hands, smell like cabbage' - Austin Powers

Ellie said...

Yes, yes that's right. And they also live in boats.

Anonymous said...

Yes, nomads you know....